Itinerary me Athens this weekend coming

Itinerary me Athens this weekend coming



Original Poster:

14,942 posts

280 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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OK, I have a couple of days left over on a trip this week to Athens. So, whats to be done? Best places to go, best to eat? nightlife, "must see/do" etc



22,733 posts

235 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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Make sure you see 'the Plaka' which is like a little village within Athens, great little restaurants.

In terms of night clubs and stuff - no idea!


503 posts

219 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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you can do all the touristy stuff but if you really want to enjoy yourself and empty your wallet at the same time head down to glyfada for the bars/coffee shops and then any of the beachside bars and clubs which really kick off after midnight.