Buying Euros


rupert the dog

Original Poster:

1,433 posts

227 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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One for you financial experts:- going away beginning of July - should I buy my Euros now, or wait till closer to travel time (going 2 July)? Thanks in advance

The Tea Boy

4,129 posts

245 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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and can someone please give me the winning lottery numbers for next week too!!



15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Depends whether your going to change a small fortune or not as I can't see the exchange rate changing that dramatically between now and then smile

rupert the dog

Original Poster:

1,433 posts

227 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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The Tea Boy said:
and can someone please give me the winning lottery numbers for next week too!!

Yes that would be nice, wouldn't it? In fact not changing thousands (unfortunately), so I suppose it doesn't really matter that much.