BA/Virgin Fuel surcharge payment

BA/Virgin Fuel surcharge payment



Original Poster:

6,523 posts

201 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Got it today !! I imagine the rest of you should also have it or it's on it's way.

Don't spend it all at Once.



130 posts

237 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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nice news!.

I checked the website today and noticed they were starting to pay out. Will be looking out for the postie myself



1,648 posts

248 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Got mine too.. lets just say I won't be retiring on it!


11,095 posts

236 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Grrrr, they ignored all my communication with them.

How much have I lost out on?


Original Poster:

6,523 posts

201 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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I got £190 so not exactly a life changing amount but still better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.



11,095 posts

236 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Do you have a link to the website?


130 posts

237 months


924 posts

225 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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I shall have to ring Virgin up, booked on the 20 march and made full payment last week, so here's one person hopeing.


924 posts

225 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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I shall have to ring Virgin up, booked on the 20 march and made full payment last week, so here's one person hopeing.


Original Poster:

6,523 posts

201 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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This is not about the fuel surcharge it's self. It is about a period of tim when BA/Virgin colluded about setting the same Fuel surcharge.

I think you have zero chance to get anything.

Sorry !!



2,063 posts

242 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Got mine this week too - not quite sure what to blow the £16 pounds on...maybe I'll buy a quarter of a tank of petrol


1,212 posts

217 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Thanks for the heads up, expecting about a grand back.


130 posts

237 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
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Legmaster said:
Thanks for the heads up, expecting about a grand back.
don't put the deposit down on the R8 just yet.

I flew loads of times of that period and got back the princely sum of £90

Edited by BerksBoy on Thursday 11th June 09:15


1,212 posts

217 months

Thursday 11th June 2009
quotequote all
BerksBoy said:
Legmaster said:
Thanks for the heads up, expecting about a grand back.
don't put the deposit down on the R8 just yet.

I flew loads of times of that period and got back the princely sum of £90
No chance of getting rid of my Honda Boredom unfortunately, it's just back into company coffers.

We had about 100 qualifying flights over the period.