Dollar rent a car upgrade

Dollar rent a car upgrade



Original Poster:

5,029 posts

220 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Were off to Florida on Friday for 2 weeks. We got a hire car and insurance included in our deal with Thomas Cook. However was just wondering if anyone had any idea how much to upgrade to convertable?



1,926 posts

282 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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When you pick up your car they'll do a very hard sell to get you to upgrade. Might be worth trying to do a deal. I never upgraded though and have been quite lucky a few times in getting a nice surprise when arriving at the car lot to find that I've had a free upgrade. Last time was a small family car to a BIG V6 SUV. Only happens if they run out of your choice of car though.


6,739 posts

259 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Just be aware the convertibles are st - really st, even the mustang. Generally hugely underpowered engines and if you get the Sebring which they usually peddle then there is no luggage space whatsoever - if you have more than 2 people with more than 2 cases forget it (cases definitely will not fit in the boot - have to go in the back seat, which is a complete pain)......I've done it before and generally would say you're wasting your money.

Edited by GreigM on Monday 8th June 15:36

Deva Link

26,934 posts

255 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Just slip the rental agent $20 (very serruptiously) and you'll get whatever you want. Allegedly.