Family gets in the way of mountain bike holiday, help !

Family gets in the way of mountain bike holiday, help !



Original Poster:

1,696 posts

252 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Right the plan was for me and my brother to go away mountain biking for a weekend... easy enough

Now the plan has changed to his family and my family going away for the weekend - this means we need space for Myslef and other half plus our 18 month old daughter, and my brother needs space for himself, wife 2 kids under 5 and potentially his aupar

It needs to be somewhere within 1.5/2 hours drive of hartfordshire, have something for the ladies to do i.e. beach or shopping plus hills and woods for mountain biking... We were thinking of dorset ( swanage ) but the cost is a bit high and limited options for hotels

Can anyone suggest a better option ?


1,739 posts

189 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Cardiff? Got shopping for the missus and for mountain biking there's a load of local trails, plus you've got Cwmcarn and Afan Argoed nearby.

A little further (watch out for specs on the M4) than 2 hours drive but i'd say it's worth it. The trails are better up here than in Dorset anyway smile


Original Poster:

1,696 posts

252 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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thats an idea... was looking at this place :-

is that a good area ?


1,739 posts

189 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Newport isn't amazing but location wise that's not bad. From 14 locks you can ride along the canal and a bit of road up to Cwmcarn (I did this ride on Thursday from my office in Cwmbran). Junction 27 is also convenient for Cardiff (junctions 29-32) or Afan Argoed (Junction 40). Newport itself isn't great, there's not much to see/do and at night it's a bit dodgy. Hence you may be better off staying in Cardiff.

Edited by Ynox on Monday 8th June 14:40


280 posts

210 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Which weekend - I may be able to help if your party can be 6/7 people and self-catering is an option for you. Is 18month old in a cot or bed? See my advert.


Original Poster:

1,696 posts

252 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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Pabl0 said:
Which weekend - I may be able to help if your party can be 6/7 people and self-catering is an option for you. Is 18month old in a cot or bed? See my advert.
the size is 4 possibley 5 adults, 2 babies 18 months old and a 3 year old... i can't see your advert though ?


280 posts

210 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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11,974 posts

228 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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You could do worse than the Isle of Wight for some quality mountain biking and ents for the family...


4,664 posts

234 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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New Forest? Just i a weekend there last week with bikes, massive group (18) of which only 5 of us rode in the end.

Not the most challenging(I'm a girl it was sufficient) but there were a few trails and supposedly an off road more hard core route we missed.

Hollands Wood is where we stayed and we were very impressed.

(plus it's near Lyndhurst and they have a supercar dealership worth a look)