Mini Roadtrip: Valencia to Barcelona

Mini Roadtrip: Valencia to Barcelona



Original Poster:

81 posts

202 months

Sunday 7th June 2009
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Thinking about a week away to Spain in September, flying out to Valencia and back from Barcelona.

Probably going to spend 3 nights in Barca as have not been there before but wondering if anyone has any suggestions of places to stay on the way?

Not been to mainland spain before and would like to sample a bit of rural spain before heading into the big city.



Red Firecracker

5,302 posts

237 months

Sunday 7th June 2009
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One of the most boring road journeys I have ever endured. Like much of Spain, it was varying shades of brown and unfinished.

I'd suggest 4 days in Valencia as it's a fantastic city. As a resident of Valencia said to me in March, 'people go to Barcelona first and Valencia second, but they always come back to Valencia'.