Hong Kong



Original Poster:

659 posts

205 months

Friday 5th June 2009
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Who has been to Hong Kong?
Me and a few friends are off to Malaysia for a week and we’re looking for somewhere else to go for the second week in October.
Currently we’re thinking Hong Kong or Vietnam, just wondering if Hong Kong is expensive for hotels etc.
I’ve been to Thailand and Malaysia before so I guess it’ll be more expensive, but by how much.
The reason for Hong Kong over Vietnam is that there’s probably more to see and do, as well as having more of a night life. Any other suggestions appreciated.


Original Poster:

659 posts

205 months

Friday 5th June 2009
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Off to the lakes in a minute, to get wet, no hurry for replies but just a heads up of I go missing till monday. I do appreciate any replies, just won't be able to respond.


15,927 posts

251 months

Friday 5th June 2009
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If you're after a more nightlife/city type stay then I'd recommend Hong Kong over Vietnam especially if you'll only be there for a short time.

I'd recommend visiting Macau, Lantau Island and seeing a few different places around Hong Kong during a week stay. There is of course plenty to do in Hong Kong itself and some cracking 24-hour city nightlife!

You can get a straight forward private room in a simple hotel for around £30 and something a little more upmarket (3* or so) for around £40-50. Let me know if you want something a bit more concrete in price terms as there are loads of possible options in Hong Kong. smile


Original Poster:

659 posts

205 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Thanks for the info. Just aftern an idea for now really.
Basically just want to know that it's not going to cost a fortune to stop there.



15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Certainly won't cost a fortune. Just don't stay in Chung King Mansions and you'll be OK smile


933 posts

227 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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v15ben said:
Certainly won't cost a fortune. Just don't stay in Chung King Mansions and you'll be OK smile
What's wrong with CKM?!

Some of the most authentic restaurants and hostels in the world are crammed in there!


15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 8th June 2009
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Maybe I was a bit harsh on CKM. I stayed there for a few days and although the room was like a prison cell I have to agree that the food was superb. Especially the street food round the corner smile


64 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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v15ben said:
Certainly won't cost a fortune. Just don't stay in Chung King Mansions and you'll be OK smile
I grew up in HK. We used to go underage drinking in the dodgy curry places in Chung King Mansions.

I'm amazed it's still around. cloud9


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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Our cheapest possible 'hotel' bed in Hong Kong is in CKM! It was certainly an experience staying there with the toilet/shower/sink combo in a space barely large enough to stand up rofl