Know of a holiday home to rent in Cornwall?

Know of a holiday home to rent in Cornwall?



Original Poster:

2,830 posts

220 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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I want to rent a holiday home in Cornwall for a few days during the summer for seven people. Does anyone own or know of one?


3,088 posts

241 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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There are loads out there on the web that are available - just do a google or go to a site like

As a tip they seem to be doing deals at the moment. I just booked a beach front cottage near Bude that was advertised for £2k and got them down to £1500. Also the advert said no pets and they have allowed my 2 medium / large sized dogs to stay as well.

You should have plenty of choice, that said the mid 2 weeks in August seemed pretty booked up (I'm going the last week in August)

Good luck with the search



3,570 posts

232 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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Not cheap but the Duchy of Cornwall Cottages look fantastic.


15,704 posts

259 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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Swoxy said:
I want to rent a holiday home in Cornwall for a few days during the summer for seven people. Does anyone own or know of one?
Where in Cornwall are you looking? I'm a huge fan of the Roseland Peninsula and would recommend either of these two companies..



Balmoral Green

42,048 posts

258 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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flyingjase said:
There are loads out there on the web...

...they seem to be doing deals at the moment.
I have rented from several of the agencies over the years. But the amount of Spam I am now receiving from them is incredible. There are some very keen deals to be had without even asking. Welcome cottages have been enticing me with some great rentals from just a couple of hundred quid for decent properties.


9,259 posts

193 months

Monday 25th May 2009
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These are top notch. good variety of sizes and prices and right next to one of the best beaches around.

Good for Christmas and new year as well.

I dont work for them/own them by the way, I have moved furniture into them and they are a very high standard in a good location.