Book now, or leave it for a while?

Book now, or leave it for a while?



Original Poster:

7,472 posts

237 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
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Just looking at booking a break in NYC around the end of November. What's the consensus on costs of flights? Book online now, or hang around for a bit and see what happens to prices? (Virgin Premium Economy, probably)


15,927 posts

251 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
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It might be worth hanging around a little while as NYC is one of the main destinations for cheap deals IMO. November is fairly low season so I'd certainly imagine some deals coming through for NYC!
However you do run the risk of possibly missing a deal and paying more due to fewer seats being available.


48,923 posts

258 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
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There was an article in the Mail yesterday where BA were promising to cut prices - especially on premium routes and seats.

Obviously this might not happen!

Freebie paper in the lounge at Heathrow...

Edited by Puggit on Sunday 24th May 13:10