1st wedding anniversary ideas.

1st wedding anniversary ideas.



Original Poster:

2,243 posts

191 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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Well well well, no sooner does the ink on the marriage certificate actually become dry to the touch, Mr and Mrs Scouse are almost at their 1st year of wedded bliss!!! :lol::lol:

Our actual date is July 12th.

I am currently considering a room for the weekend at The Swan Hotel in Lavenham, Suffolk.

My wife would love www.theswanatlavenham.co.uk/fourposter.aspx which would include a nice evening meal and breakfast which would allow me to squirt £300.00 for the pleasure on a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

This is where I ask the online folk for ideas. cool

Consider the following facts.............................

We live very close to Stansted Airport and have never been to Ireland. :lol:

My wife loves her privacy/quaint environment/olde worlde heritage.

You get the picture. biggrin

I would happily fly to Dublin and do the Guinness tour - she would have to drag me out. eek:twisted:

Ideas please folks. biggrin

Edited by Scousefella on Friday 22 May 20:09

Edited by Scousefella on Friday 22 May 20:10

Edited by Scousefella on Friday 22 May 20:11

Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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Divorce ? scratchchin

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

205 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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How about flying to the Isle of Man for a few days?

If it interest you I can recommend some good places to stay based on your requirements.


4,664 posts

234 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
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Why not do Dublin? It's a fabulous place, full of heritage and things you'd both enjoy! I like Guinness, but I wouldn't say I'm an avid fan, but the tour is worth it (book online in advance though).

The Viking tour is a laugh (think The Ducks one in London), the college grounds are open to wander around, and the entire city is walkable.

Some fantastic places to eat and deals to be had.

You'll be fine going in July too, we went Easter weekend a couple of years ago and forgot that Good Friday would be dry!