Where to stop on the way to Cornwall??

Where to stop on the way to Cornwall??


Melman Giraffe

Original Poster:

6,794 posts

228 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Hi All

In Aug I'm going to St Miniver in Cornwall for a week. We have organised our accomodation from the saturday but want to travel down from London on the Friday. So heres the question, can anyone recommend somewhere nice (area) to stay on Friday evening.


28,506 posts

255 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Melman Giraffe said:
Hi All

In Aug I'm going to St Miniver in Cornwall for a week. We have organised our accomodation from the saturday but want to travel down from London on the Friday. So heres the question, can anyone recommend somewhere nice (area) to stay on Friday evening.
Depends how you want to split the journey but you could book a night in a nice hotel in Bath (Royal Crescent, Bath Spa, Haringtons are all good hotels). that might not be near enough to Cornwall for you though.


7,704 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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Be aware that the A303 is congested hell. You may want to take the motorway.

Melman Giraffe

Original Poster:

6,794 posts

228 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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pikey said:
Be aware that the A303 is congested hell. You may want to take the motorway.
Will do, Cheers