Holiday with a dog



Original Poster:

2,762 posts

225 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Bit of a strange title I know. Normally we head somewhere long haul on holiday however 3 months ago we rescued a Pointer from the local cat and dog home. Under no circumstances am I putting her back in kennals for a few weeks so soon after getting her so thinking of heading over to Europe in the car, my only concern is suitable accomodation etc. Anyone have any experience of similar holidays?


1,492 posts

233 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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once you have sorted out pet passport , away you go.
a lot of accomadation in france accept dogs, a small charge payable ( 10 euros )
we stayed at a chateau last year near tours, and dogs were welcome.
taking ours over next year.


1,159 posts

222 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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cat220 said:
Bit of a strange title I know. Normally we head somewhere long haul on holiday however 3 months ago we rescued a Pointer from the local cat and dog home. Under no circumstances am I putting her back in kennals for a few weeks so soon after getting her so thinking of heading over to Europe in the car, my only concern is suitable accomodation etc. Anyone have any experience of similar holidays?
You certainly won't have too many issues in France, and I've not had problems in Belgium or even Holland. If France is your destination, try the link below to find pet friendly digs.


8,620 posts

200 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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We are thinking of having a week in France/Spain next year with the mutt, purely because we wouldn't put our dog in kennels and expecting my old man to come and house/dog sit for the week seems to wearing a bit thin as he has done it twice already this year so we can go of galavanting abroad and it seems that any more than once a year is taking liberties....

Have a look on Plenty of places about in France and the rest of Europe. If you read the listings it tells you which properties accept dogs. There are some lovely places to be had depending where you want to ferry to and how far down you want to drive.


Original Poster:

2,762 posts

225 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Thanks for the replies guys. Some good advice and links!


553 posts

202 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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We were planning on going abroad with our dog this year, knowing about the PET passport etc. but then found out about the 6-7month time to go through the whole process. Add onto that the exchange rate and suddenly a holiday in the UK seemed like a better idea! Plenty of dog friendly holiday sites out there.


2,364 posts

192 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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The majority of the Lake district is dog friendly , we've been twice this year with our mutt, Once in the glorious sunshine and once not so glorious rain .

We even got this becuase of the dog , so we can get away whenever possible for some long walks among spectacular scenery

Edited by R60EST on Friday 22 May 13:19