visiting France?



Original Poster:

2,084 posts

202 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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If so you might like to see the photos on this forum


12,415 posts

254 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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just comes up with access denied


Original Poster:

2,084 posts

202 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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Sorry about that. Didnt realise it was by registration and cookie only! Anyway, it was a series of piccies posted by a French guy showing the latest French radar trap equipment. Bear in mind that thanks to Gordie we can now get fines and points transferred back to us by the French.

The images are as foillows. Hoepfully these links will work.


48,923 posts

258 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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The last image is a Vauxhall, not an Opel and features a UK tax disc...

The first picture doesn't seem French - number plates aren't the right colours.


Original Poster:

2,084 posts

202 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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has been known for people to take vauxhalls abroad. but why would anyone want to post a whole load of photos and French language text to play silly games?

in the end its up to you - I'm just trying to be helpful.


1,492 posts

233 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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off to le mans soon, that mobile gatso type one is bloody sneaky !!
never seen any built into cars like that before thou.
bike cams developed in this country, i know a guy whose company do stealth stuff for plod.
the horsebox photo looks like he one that was in motorcycle news, up north england, caused a stink that one.
french police are using the british plod as role model, read that somewhere this year. they were doing joint operations near calais !!


18,240 posts

194 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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suspicous of some of these - last one is definately in the uk!

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

209 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Given how patriotic the French are it seem unlikely their police would be using a Disco, a Diahatsu and an Audi.


8,620 posts

200 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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joncon said:
off to le mans soon, that mobile gatso type one is bloody sneaky !!
Anyone who wants to take the risk on any of the main routes down from the ports to Le Mans on that week is just asking for trouble. They will be out in force and the first you will know about it is when you get a gendarme pulling up next to you on a motorbike and pointing you to the hard shoulder where he will read you the riot act and lighten you of your weekends budget there and then for the trouble. Providing he doesn't see fit to confiscate your car and take you straight to jail that is.