Hire car France - Beginning of June

Hire car France - Beginning of June



Original Poster:

18,796 posts

208 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Me and 3 others are off to Toulouse (area) on the 31st May until 6th June. Only 2 of us will be driving and we're both 23 years old.

We don't need anything to big as its just airport commute then maybe going to the shops for food.

Anyone know of any good deals? I've searched and come up with £200 for a Ka or similar! (which might be a squeeze with 4 up and luggage for an hour.)


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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We could do a Clio/Punto 3dr for £182 for the week on those dates, but like most places you'll get stung for under 25 drivers. The surcharge with the company we use is 22EUR a day in France.
Let me know what you think about this one if your interested and I can get it sorted smile


48,923 posts

258 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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v15ben said:
but like most places you'll get stung for under 25 drivers.
What he said


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Fake ID is the answer wink
Seriously though I could probably match the KA price, but would you really want a KA? smile


Original Poster:

18,796 posts

208 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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v15ben said:
We could do a Clio/Punto 3dr for £182 for the week on those dates, but like most places you'll get stung for under 25 drivers. The surcharge with the company we use is 22EUR a day in France.
Let me know what you think about this one if your interested and I can get it sorted smile
The comparison company's ask my age and come back with those prices. Do I assume they don't bother passing on the age, then I get there and have to folk out the surcharge for being under 25?

v15ben said:
Fake ID is the answer wink
Seriously though I could probably match the KA price, but would you really want a KA? smile
A KA is too small I think. A fiesta/clio is ok for 4.

Is that match the price WITH the surcharges?

Edited by illmonkey on Tuesday 19th May 10:25


15,927 posts

251 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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They probably would try and sting you with the surcharge when you get there. I would be fairly sure that nowhere would give you such a good price including the surcharges.

I have checked again and I can't beat that price if it includes the surcharges. Our price is £169 for the KA sized 2 door vehicle plus the 22EUR per day under-25 excess. If the price you quoted doesn't include excess then we could be onto something though smile