Things to do in South-West Wales

Things to do in South-West Wales


the red blur

Original Poster:

50 posts

192 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Hi wavey

I am going away with my family next week and just wondering what there is worth going to see/do. Anything within an hour and half’s drive from New Quay would be ideal.

Any suggestions/recommendations?


48,923 posts

258 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Oh bloody hell, you've chosen to seclude yourselves!

Ummmm - still struggling. Lots of countryside and cliffs if you like that sort of thing.

About as far as your time limit, but the Gower near Swansea is lovely. Especially the (tidal) walk across to Worms Head and the rock pools. Horse riding, etc - bit like the new forest but without the trees.

I haven't been to Aberaeron in decades, but as a kid spending all my holidays in SW Wales, I can remember it was dull.

Some other hints, again closer to the South coast:

Dolaucothi Gold Mines / NT Link

Hopefully someone else will have better ideas!


1,926 posts

282 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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If you head south for an hour and a half you have Folly Farm for the kids, Tenby, Saudersfoot and Caldey Island. If you go north, but more like 2 hours, you have Portmeirion and the Snowdon mountain railway. Close by its mainly unspoilt beaches and boat trips (dolphin trips IIRC).
This link might help

Edited by SwanJack on Tuesday 19th May 09:36

The Ben

1,623 posts

227 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Surfing obviously... West coast is prime for it...