St Lucia



Original Poster:

32,041 posts

231 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Anyone been please?

Any hotel recommendations?

I've seen the weather reports for December but what is it really like please?


1,648 posts

248 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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St Lucia is lovely.

Ive just booked to go back again for 10 days later this year. I can really recommend for the hotel. With regards to the prices, go to the UK booking agent (phone number on the website above - the prices are better)

Fly in at the south of the island and take helicopter transfers to the north.

The weather is pretty warm all year round, most humid during our summer times (their wet season) but even during the wet season, the rain is usually heavy but short periods. It then tends to clear up and get very blue again smile

All in all Beautiful....



924 posts

225 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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The Jalousie Plantation gets my vote.

I've been their twice, a fantastic spot quite secluded. I like it quite, this place has great views of the Pitons. The beach is great and if your into SCUBA the marine park is right on the door step of the resort, it has the best diving spots on the island.

You can get the helicopter from the airport to the hotel helipad.


181 posts

226 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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I was there in November. Definiteley recommend the helicopter flight in. We stayed at Jade Mountain - It is a fantastic resort. It is one of the pricier resorts but without doubt it is worth it. If budget doesn;t stretch quite to Jade, then there is the Anse Chastenet resort at the same location - again a great place (and upgrade to Jade for a night ot two). Both are understated classy places.


Original Poster:

32,041 posts

231 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Cheers biggrin


3,521 posts

212 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Fantastic island, very friendly and the weather is generally good, though a little more tropical compared to Antigua for example.

Take a helicopter transfer though as the roads were pretty poor and the transfers rather lengthy last time I went about 5 yrs ago.

I stayed at Sandals, though this is rather pricey but is Ultra All Inclusive and includes absolutely everything including all water and land sports.

Rum Runner

2,338 posts

227 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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Yep I live there off and on since 98, just been there all winter, in fact i should be there right now. Crickey even meet my wife in St.Lucia back 2000 when i lived there full time !!.
Any questions ask, i have many contacts in rental , boats ,hire etc.
E-mail me directly on my profile.Tell me what you want out of your holiday an i will send you to the right place. I own a yacht charter company and with we always get a idea of there profile before we match them up.

Also private villa is a nice way to go with maid and car rental. Cheaper than you would think. Get car though as there is a lot to see, Taxi's expensive. Drive-A-Matic is the best for car hire.Good also if you go independently to pick it up at the Airport and drop off or its $75 USD each way to Rodney Bay via Taxi.

More to do in the North and More secluded in the South. But 1 and 1/2 hour drive from North to south but fantastic Drive. My Advice would be stay in the North and have a car go down South see the sites, drive to East coast, got to Marigot on the way South etc.

Here is a nice Villa owned by somebody i know. Its in Cap Estate the most exclusive part of the Island. He has a RAV4 which is $35 USD a day on to of the price. 5 Mins form all the nice restaurants and beach and great view. Good Price as well. ( I lived across the road from them this winter ).

Edited by Rum Runner on Wednesday 20th May 23:18

Rum Runner

2,338 posts

227 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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coolcatmaz said:
Fantastic island, very friendly and the weather is generally good, though a little more tropical compared to Antigua for example.

Take a helicopter transfer though as the roads were pretty poor and the transfers rather lengthy last time I went about 5 yrs ago.

I stayed at Sandals, though this is rather pricey but is Ultra All Inclusive and includes absolutely everything including all water and land sports.

Quick note the main road from Airport - North( Rodney Bay) and the Airport - South(Vieux Port road to Pitons) are much much improved.