Driving back from Algarve....

Driving back from Algarve....


andy ted

Original Poster:

1,314 posts

275 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Doing a one way drive from southern Portugal - Where would you stop on the way back? Got approx 5 days to do the trip so wanted to plan in a couple of interesting 1-2 day stops on the way back?

Was thinking

Madrid, Biarriz, Paris as a starting point but I don't know Spain/south west france that well.

It is me and my brother doing the trip so would like one stop to be by a beach and also lively intersting towns/cities as supposed to sleepy villages

Thanks all



48,923 posts

258 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Millau Bridge!


905 posts

217 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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I'd stick to the Paradores in Spain, which are state run hotels that are architecturally interesting (former monasteries etc) so maybe Madrid, up past Zaragoza and via the Pyrenees into France. Hoike a left up to Biarritz, Loire Valley and possibly Paris if you're that way inclined.