Left an item in Travelodge, they can't find it

Left an item in Travelodge, they can't find it



Original Poster:

1,926 posts

258 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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I went to Travelodge this past weekend for a wedding in Kent (which was nothing but trouble - long story), and I left a usb pen in their hotel.

I called the hotel up and told them what my predicament is. The first thing to annoy me was I can't email the receptionist as her manager has put a password on the email account, which only she knows. So I can't show a picture of what the item looks like.

Then, there is no record of the item being lost (the cleaner didn't see it or maybe even took it).

I clearly left the item there as I can remember picking up all my things but that.

Is there anything else I can do about this? The hotel branch is based 60 miles away so I really don't want to drive there frown Because I can't send an email, I can't show a picture of the item which really is against my case frown

Oh and I take full responsibility for this mishap, but it was a knock on effect of several events of bad luck which were due to others in the family (bad circumstances). I really kick myself as I made a very conscious decision to take the item with me, after pondering whether or not it's worth it.



77,968 posts

292 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Likely either the cleaner or the next customer took it.


Original Poster:

1,926 posts

258 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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[quote=ShadownINja]Likely either the cleaner or the next customer took it.[/quote

Likely the cleaner as he/she MUST have seen it (it was lying on the bedside cabinet) and so would have taken it/handed it in before the next customer came in. Obviously every room is cleaned when some checks out.

The benefit in that is the cleaner is employed and this can be tracked/isn't going to leave etc. The customer would though. And there is no proof the cleaner took it so not much I can do about it now. frown


245 posts

193 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Sounds like you're perfect for a job at MI6!


77,968 posts

292 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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True. Could say there's a small reward for it cos the data is important to you (photos etc). If it is a cleaner, they might hand it in. No need for accusations etc. smile


8,620 posts

200 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Sounds very much like someone has found it and slipped it into their pocket on the hush.
If it isn't in lost property forget about seeing it again I reckon.