Eurotunnel - just turn up?

Eurotunnel - just turn up?



Original Poster:

2,821 posts

258 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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It is possible just to drive to folkstone, pay the crossing & get onto the trains isn't it?

a friend advised that there were few savings to be made unless you book really (i.e. 4 months prior) early...

also said that without a booking its possible to get on an earlier train if its not full....

looks like about £100 each way if we get there early doors tomorrow does this seem about right?



Ranger 6

7,267 posts

259 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Sounds about right - I think all the details are on their website. I know we only pay £100 return for our skiing trip, but that is 8 or 9 months in advance.