Off to Turkey What currency will be best to use

Off to Turkey What currency will be best to use



Original Poster:

1,025 posts

219 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Should I take pounds sterling, Euro's or Turkish Lira ?
Has anyone been recently


3,972 posts

255 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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2,265 posts

206 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Euros for airport and major desitnations, and lira elsewhere (local markets etc)

Turks are busting to be in europe, which is why they all want euros?! Wierdo's!

It depends on where you are going, but as I said above really!

Percy Flage

1,770 posts

232 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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They'll take Lira in local markets but when we were there two years ago they much preferred Euros. You'll be able to get a far better price in Euros.

The "local" YTL/Euro exchange rate fluctuates significantly even intra-day, and drops away on Fridays because of nervousness about the strength of the currency.


2,748 posts

238 months

Saturday 16th May 2009
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They are happy to take all three

I did wonder why I even bothered to change up any cash into lire as all the touristy place where happier to take sterling and give a slightly better exchange rate to.

Side note the cash machines where we where even gave you the choice of pounds,euros,dollars or lira when you made a withdrawal


8,620 posts

200 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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As above, most of the major resorts will happily take Sterling, Euros or YTL.
We take a wallet of Sterling and change up a little on a daily basis for lunch, snacks etc and do most purchasing in sterling.
I also take whatever Euros I may have floating about and use them up.


69,991 posts

227 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
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Most prices were cheaper in euro's last year than in Turkish lira