Premium economy - worth it?

Premium economy - worth it?



Original Poster:

7,438 posts

254 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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I'm travelling to Boston with the Mrs in August.

We have always travelled economy in the past and sometimes suffered with the legroom (I'm 6'4"). The BA fare is double the economy fare, so I want to make sure it's worth it before we book.

Anyone with any experiences?


6,887 posts

227 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Nobody can answer this for you really, it all depends on what you think is value for money. You get a bit more legroom and that really is about it. Traveling any form of Business class usually comes with a load of other things from lounge access through preferential boarding, faster luggage delivery, a very significantly bigger seat and so on. Premium economy is economy with a few inches more leg room. But for you that may be worth it


5,613 posts

263 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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There have been some good deals on club class recently, ie BOGOF etc, so you may want to just check you cant have club class for the same price before you book into PE


45,899 posts

199 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Virgin's Premium Economy is a better product than BA's. IMO, naturally.

And they fly to Boston too.


64 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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BA and Virgin have some of the least legroom in economy around. Whilst most airlines have increased their longhaul seat pitch, they have stayed the same. Even all UK charter airlines have more longhaul economy leg room.

I'm amazed BA still stick with such an old cramped cabin.


27,175 posts

272 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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BA World Traveller Plus is not that impressive to be honest. On the plus side, if there are any upgrades to Club World going, they will go to people with a full-price WTP ticket. If Virgin are using a 747 on that route, then Premium Economy is much better as it is on the top deck and there's loads of space around you and few people. On theie Airbus fleet PE is just another cabin with marginally more room.

Club World flat beds, on the other hand... cloud9 Plus, you get on the 'plane first, and relax in your massive seat as all the proles troop past to the cheap seats.


48,923 posts

258 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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The flight to Boston is a daytime flight, the return is 'overnight'.

Boston is probably the shortest route from the UK featuring PE. I've been on one plane that took only 4h45m back from Boston to Heathrow.

In my opinion (but I'm only 5'10" with short legs) - it's not worth it. 12 hours overnight to JNB, that's more like it...


28,377 posts

294 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Paying yourself?

It is NEVER worth it. I'm 6 foot and, sadly, "wider" than I should be. I still fly econocheap.

For the difference in cost (which can range from hundreds to thousands) you can usually buy a couple of extra nights in a nice hotel. Time you can use to recover from being stuck in the stty little seat but also to do some pleasant activities on holiday....which you would not otherwise have been able to do.

On business? Well. You usually can't afford the extra time to have a night's "recovery" in a nice hotel so business class can be worth it: it usually means you can sleep.

Only you can decide if it is worth it - to YOU. But I've never been able to justify the extra pennies vs something else I could spend it on.


10,807 posts

206 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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miniman said:
Club World flat beds, on the other hand... cloud9 Plus, you get on the 'plane first, and relax in your massive seat as all the proles troop past to the cheap seats.
Virgin Premium Economy boards at the exact same time as Upper Class.

I'd say that VA Premium is almost as good as some of the US airlines First Class. More legroom, wider/comfier seat, footrest, drink when you board, service of food/drinks before Economy Class.

I HAVE noticed that Virgin seem to be suffering with cutbacks though, in Economy. May be tiny things to some people, but in the last month I've noticed a marked drop in the quality of food service. On 09/04 I took a return flight from LHR to LAX and received 'normal' service. On 02/05 I took the same return flight on the same route.

On the outward flight, I noticed that the regular 'accessories' that come with a meal were less on everyone's plate (that I could see). No cheese and crackers anymore! On the return flight on 09/06 it was even worse. No cheese and crackers again, no pretzels handed out with the drinks, and by the time food service reached the back of the aeroplane, they had pretty much run out of Economy Class meals, and were handing out leftover choices from the First Class menu.

Ok this may not sound that bad, but it's a sign. Wasn't there a famous story about how an airline saved loads of money by removing a single olive from the salad?


6,887 posts

227 months

Saturday 16th May 2009
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shakotan said:
I'd say that VA Premium is almost as good as some of the US airlines First Class. More legroom, wider/comfier seat, footrest, drink when you board, service of food/drinks before Economy Class.
Really? There are US airlines with a First that is that bad? VA Premium is better than economy but I usually fly business and it's nowhere near business standard on any airline I've flown with.


1,799 posts

254 months

Sunday 17th May 2009
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Go with Virgin and get to the airport early and pay £50 extra for a exit seat, you can use the crew jump seats to put legs on and lie out flat. Did it on both trips to Sydney last month.


48,923 posts

258 months

Sunday 17th May 2009
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Here's a conundrum.

I'm flying to Joburg next weekend and have been offered PE class by the business. This would therefore mean flying BA or Virgin.

However, if I fly SAA, and therefore in economy (as they don't do PE), then I can pick up enough points to get me within touching distance of renewing Gold on bmi/Star Alliance. Without this trip, it's highly unlikely I'll renew as Gold!



14,668 posts

293 months

Sunday 17th May 2009
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moles said:
Go with Virgin and get to the airport early and pay £50 extra for a exit seat, you can use the crew jump seats to put legs on and lie out flat. Did it on both trips to Sydney last month.
Most people who pay for the Virgin Exit seats feel ripped off. They are the narrowest seats I have ever sat in (I'm a 6ft 5 beanpole). Some pear shaped (but not fat) women don't even fit in them, never mind larger people.

To the OP - if you don't want to pay double (I wouldn't) I suggest using BA Economy and checking in online bang on 24 hours in advance and blagging some exit or bulkhead row seats. BA allow you to book/reserve these. Virgin do not - you have to be at the airport, and usually pay too. Sometimes they offer a cut price upgrade at check-in - certainly less than the 2x fare you're getting quoted.

Another thing is to fly midweek and get a reasonably empty plane and have several seats to lounge across.

Edited by Targarama on Sunday 17th May 10:58


1,799 posts

254 months

Sunday 17th May 2009
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They are the same width as standard economy but with more legroom as only 2 seats instead of 3. (or they were on the Airbus I was on?)

Matt Harper

6,800 posts

211 months

Sunday 17th May 2009
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shakotan said:
I'd say that VA Premium is almost as good as some of the US airlines First Class.
I don't think I've read anything quite so ridiculous, anywhere, ever.

Matt Harper

6,800 posts

211 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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inkiboo said:
I think to be fair he is referring to US airlines domestic First Class, which is rubbish. Virgin's Premium Economy is significantly better than, for instance, United's First Class.
The reality is that very few US domestic carriers (including United) have a 1st class cabin. First class is predominantly long-haul/outside cont. states, which made the comment a bit bizarre.

I don't use Virgin much, but their Premium Economy product is pretty much what it says on the tin - an economy experience, with a little extra. I think that Virgins PE cabin upstairs on their 747 routes is very much worth the modest price hike. However the lower deck PE seats are not appreciably different to the coach cabin immediately behind them. As stated, both Virgin and BA are very stingy with legroom in long-haul coach.


1,648 posts

248 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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I would also agree with the consensus that Virgin P.E is much better than BA P.E.

Both carriers are currently struggling to get bums on seats in Club & first so there are some excellent deals around - have a good look on both web sites.



1,648 posts

248 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Just to add -

Virgin upper class to Boston - from £1200 HERE

that is a very good deal...



924 posts

225 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Virgin premium economy or upper class beat BA and many others hands down.
there product is by far the best and they have some fantastic deals at the moment.


8,620 posts

200 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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I only have experience of Virgin to the States but am perfectly happy and comfortable with economy, and I am a big lad.
Would I pay double for a nominal amount more legroom and a leather smell? Nope.