Living in paris...



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1,012 posts

190 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Well. The girlfriend has expressed her wishes that she'd like to live in Paris.

I've always wanted to move away, but was thinking more of Scandinavia / Sweeden.

This is something I'm going to seriously consider, and I've put together a bit of an action plan to sort out how we'd go about seeing if it is viable.

This is what I've got so far:

  • Make some contacts in Paris, (estate agents etc...) who are in a position to show us around Paris a bit and see some typical properties.
  • Arrange a trip out there for a couple of weeks to get a feel for the place and meet with above person(s).

Now, obviously there are plenty of other concerns to look at in the time being. I have a few questions, which hopefully someone here will be able to answer!

  • What is the cost of living like in France / Paris
  • Any particular areas of Paris to avoid?
  • Would we need to gain work permits etc... or are we ok, as it's all EU?


7,182 posts

229 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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but extreme way to get away from her parents :lol:

I don't know about Paris specifically but in general moving to France;
> You won't really know what it's like until you live there.. staying for a few weeks is very different!!
> Yes agents will help with the area but they're only interested in selling you something so usual rules apply.
> Try "Anglo Info" if they've got active Paris people
> Living costs - broadly similar
> will you be working here as you need to consider French residency for healthcare etc etc
> you don't need work permits per say.

Edited by Marcellus on Thursday 14th May 19:06


7,182 posts

229 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Also read "a year in the merde" and his follow-up book too!!


Original Poster:

1,012 posts

190 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Thanks for the reply.

I think the plan is maybe to rent someone for 6 months to a year after we're sure we want to move. If we don't like it it won't be too much of a pain to move back to the UK.

I'll certainly have a look out for those books.

It isn't really to get away from her parents. We're both in a position where we could move easily and we've really been brainstorming where we'd like to live.


48,923 posts

258 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Marcellus said:
Also read "a year in the merde" and his follow-up book too!!
Talk to the Snail is of far more use - by the same author.

To the OP: How much experience do you have of France and the French? Things are done very differently there. Everything is by the book.

Do you speak French? You're chances of getting away with not speaking French are better in Paris - but you'll still find it utterly frustrating if you don't. The locals will treat you with disdain if you don't.


Original Poster:

1,012 posts

190 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Yes I have been to France numerous times, sometimes for a few months at a time. Loved it everytime. Although I'm sure there would be compromise.

I speak fluent french as does she, so that isn't really a concern for us


794 posts

205 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Renting in Paris is expensive as you would expect in a city, try and aim for just outside the outer periferique, where you will be able to get a studio possibly a 1 bed apartment for around 400€ a week, make sure it comes with broadband.

The Metro and RER provide a good service and you can buy a monthly pass which allows you unlimited travel for a fixed price, 90€ I think.

What will you do for work?

You'll need to get your carte vitale through the French health care system you must prove your entitlement from Britain. This should be done before your E106 or E121 cover runs out. You can register for your carte vitale by going to your local French health care and social security (CPAM) office, heathcare isn't free you'll pay about 30% of the costs a visit to your Doctor which is around 25€, but you can but insurance to cover this. tape minefield, I'm not sure even the French understand it, but so far I have discovered; TVA (tax on goods bought), taxe foncière (property owner's tax), taxe d'habitation (property occupier's tax), income tax, social taxes (social security and health care funding) and TV licence tax. Car tax is no longer paid annually in France, but there is a charge which you will have to pay when you first register a new car, and this works in lieu of the annual tax. There is also, for those running certain businesses, tax professionelle. Additional taxes you may have to face include wealth tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax.


48,923 posts

258 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Tax d'habitation and TV licence are now one bill smile


794 posts

205 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Also you can expect to pay the agent 1000€.

We've used before, good for when you want to look for an apartment but don't want to pay hotel prices.


643 posts

197 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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Marcellus said:
Also read "a year in the merde" and his follow-up book too!!
top read that ..'year in the merde'