Virginia, USA?



Original Poster:

796 posts

220 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Hi all i've got the chance to go to Fredericksburg, Virginia for a semester with my uni. Does anyone here possibly live there or know of the uni (Mary Washington) and could tell me of the town, uni, general prices etc. also the chances of a bar showing the six nations rugby-i couldn't survive just watching NFL and baseball! though i'm sure i'll try get into nascar a bit. Also has anyone else done something like this and have any feedback good/bad? cheers.


4,070 posts

226 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Can't help I'm afraid; I only know Virginia Beach.

Nice, quite normal state overall.


21,548 posts

252 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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No idea, but make sure you visit Virginia International Raceway when you're there. It's supposed to be the most beautiful race track in the world apparently.


17,932 posts

208 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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It is has the biggest no sex before marriage group (or whatever the hell they call themselves) in the entire US - so bad luck there fella.


948 posts

209 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Virginia is a beautiful state, especially the Blue Ridge Mountains and Washington, a great city isn't too far away... niether is NY. Can't tell you much about Fredericksburg, but I'm sure it'll definitely be an experience, you can't turn these things down! wink


14,122 posts

219 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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You'll have a great time! Americans tend to be very friendly and welcoming, especially if you head out of the bigger cities where they don't tend to get many foreigners. Plus, if you lay on a bit of the 'British charm' and put the accent on a bit, you seem to attract no end of fine looking ladies...

In summary - Go for it, if you don't, you'll regret it!



1,178 posts

204 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Go for it, I lived in FL for nearly 3 years and loved every minute of it!! In FL (west coast) anyway the american girls loved the English accent, Use it to your advantage wink


Original Poster:

796 posts

220 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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cheers guys yeah definitely sounds a good idea, guess i'll just have to get on a diet now to make up for the couple of stone i'll gain when i'm over there! lol


Original Poster:

796 posts

220 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Sorry mods but any chance of getting this moved back into the pie and piston as its less about travel than actually living in somewhere day to day for a while, also i think it could benefit from the increased traffic, please smile