not so lads holiday


The Ben

Original Poster:

1,623 posts

227 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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Small budget, I dont fancy a 'lads' holiday but my mate does. There is 2 possibly three of us going around mid june. He wants malia ibiza etc but im not sure what I fancied. He agrees that all inc would probs be the best idea as it would save us loads of cash ultimately though bigger initial payout, but we would be able to drink unlimitedly in the hotel bar then go out etc, plus all food included...

instead of the usual I thought perhaps maybe Turkey, Marmarisit seems we can get a 3* hotel all inc for £248 with flights and transfers which seems reasonable... Any thoughts, good location for 3 lads?


245 posts

193 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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£248 sounds cheap, who's that with?

What about Bulgaria?


23,838 posts

211 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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how about dubrovnik? same weather, more interesting surroundings, less pikeys, more eastern european women smile


15,927 posts

251 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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Croatia is my vote too. Stunning beaches, good weather in the summer and not going to break the bank. You could do a week sailing trip enjoying the beaches, booze and girls for not too much smile

Not sure how many All Inclusives you could get but how about Slovenia or Slovakia. Similar to Prague but cheaper and less touristed.