All this talk of Emmigration advice ...

All this talk of Emmigration advice ...



Original Poster:

372 posts

250 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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I thought I might as well ask the mighty PistonHeads lot too. Been looking to go to Canada (BC preferably) for a few years now after I visted there a few years ago, however not being the brightest spark in school and not going to Uni seems to be the biggest drawback with the points based system

There are tons of wonderful companies on Google that will help me for a fee, but wonder if anyone has any first hand experience of any decent companies and recommendations. If I'm going to do it, I'd like to do it properly and get it right, even if it costs a fair bit. Oh, I'm an I.T Systems Admin if that makes any difference to your suggestions.


8,981 posts

263 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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You'll find it hard at the moment, they have just tightened their belt on criteria for entry, if you can get job placement it will help or if you have a woj of cash to invest.