Euro exchange rates



Original Poster:

916 posts

194 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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To save me doing a bit of research, does anyone know whether we would get a better rate buying our Euros in the UK or waiting we arrive in Eurozone & using a UK debit card to withdraw Euros from a cash machine?


48,923 posts

258 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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As long as you don't get charged, it's often better to use the card abroad. Nationwide apparently do a stonking card for this.


446 posts

198 months

Thursday 14th May 2009
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mrsshpub said:
To save me doing a bit of research, does anyone know whether we would get a better rate buying our Euros in the UK or waiting we arrive in Eurozone & using a UK debit card to withdraw Euros from a cash machine?
Get your cash from an ATM when you get there. I have been using Nationwide credit and debit cards for years,(but you do need their Flex account), they offer exellent exchange rates with no loading whatsoever in the Eurozone. I believe Abbey have reintroduced their Zero card, which is good, but not overall as good as Nationwide.