Consider Thomson Wedding for Taormina, Sicily?

Consider Thomson Wedding for Taormina, Sicily?



Original Poster:

2,273 posts

249 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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morning all.

Partner and I are looking to get married around July 2010 in Taormina, Sicily.

Has anyone had any experience of getting married in Italy? I understand you ask for certain dates but the town hall cannot confirm which date they can book you in until the start of the year you get married - so if you book flights/accomodation etc. now, then you don't know for sure what date you can get married on until jan/feb 2010...

Also, a wedding planner would be ideal, but adds large cost to our budget - thomson do the wedding package (all paperwork/co-ordinator on the day etc..) for around £1k - anyone had experience of this?


1,995 posts

223 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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Congratulations, she must have said yes then!

Where did you end up popping the question?


Original Poster:

2,273 posts

249 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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Holiday in cyprus last year - hired small boat for the day ...she was stuck, couldn't run anywhere so gave in and said yes!