Day trip to Hannover - anything interesting to do?

Day trip to Hannover - anything interesting to do?



Original Poster:

882 posts

218 months

Tuesday 12th May 2009
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Gonna be going to Hannover next week Tuedsay to the Deutsche Messe for an exhibition taking place there.

will most likely be done by the afternoon and will have approx 4 hours to kill over there.

Anyone have any bright ideas as to how best to kill that time? Shopping/sightseeing would be of particular interest (if there is any of either around there...?)


hog 1

400 posts

233 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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Visit the VW Wolfsberg Plant - its just off the edge of the autobahn on the way into town - and watch the new Porsche Panamera's rolling off the line. That's where they are being assembled.
Either that or have a few beers and watch the office girls walk by if the weather's nice.
If you are lucky enough to be flying business class then you can 'experience' the business lounge in the airport, managed by a female Herr Flick whose sole intent is to manage the consumption of the worst snacks and drinks selection of any business lounge anywhere in Europe.


Original Poster:

882 posts

218 months

Wednesday 13th May 2009
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sorry to hear of your bad experience at the airport lounge...

Wolfsburg sounds like a plan.

What is the main city centre like? Any good places to go around there?

hog 1

400 posts

233 months

Friday 15th May 2009
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JAGS said:
sorry to hear of your bad experience at the airport lounge...

Wolfsburg sounds like a plan.

What is the main city centre like? Any good places to go around there?
I have never had the time to explore the city centre, After all, the reason for visiting is all about exibitions?