Scottish Midges



Original Poster:

162 posts

229 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Am thinking of doing a touring trip, West of Scotland/Islands in September. Can anyone confirm the midge season and will they have all gone by then?


941 posts

205 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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They will certainly be on the wane if not entirely disappeared. Sept is a nice time to hit the Highlands - generally the roads are a bit emptier too which is an added bonus. The midge repellent of choice is Avon Skin So Soft (available on line). I personally don't really like it as it is so gloopy that I reckon the wee beasties just drown in it but worth a punt.


3,692 posts

263 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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The midge season should be pretty much over by then, have a good trip and make sure you go up as far as Lochinver, the scenery and roads around there are superb.
This is a pretty good site to help you plan your route, accommodation etc.

Edited by Pooh on Sunday 10th May 11:02


14,180 posts

192 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Skye in September is brilliant, can recommend a few hotels and bars that my family run!


401 posts

238 months

Tuesday 12th May 2009
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When are the midges a problem - what months? Thinking of going at half-term (end of May).

Duke of Rothesay

671 posts

190 months

Tuesday 12th May 2009
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Online midge forcast (runs in season)

Season mainly June to August. Go totally with first frost. Varies a lot from year to year. They can form huge attacking clouds with literally millions of them after you.


28,506 posts

255 months

Tuesday 12th May 2009
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Use Avon Skin-So-Soft moisturiser as midge repellent - you may laugh but it comes highly recommended by many outdoorsy types including Trail magazine. You (or the wife hehe) can order it from the Avon website.