

SXi Lad

Original Poster:

2,964 posts

199 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Anyone know of a good location in Rome, after somewhere with good roads and historic places where its easy to drive to.



162 posts

229 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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A few pointers:

1. You really don't want to drive in Rome unless you really have to - very stressful, likely to spoil a holiday and provoke a 'domestic' if travelling with a wife or g/friend.
2 You can't easily drive to historic parts, well you can, but then you can't park. Better to park and then subway to wherever you're going. Do, however, plan for pickpockets - they WILL have a go and no, you won't feel them.
3. The centre of Rome is fairly compact and relatively easy to walk around and see what you want to see.
4. Do not consider driving in Rome without a sat-nav.
5. City centre hotels can be expensive, usually don't have a car park and if they do, it's also expensive.
5. Here's a place I stay, good value and meets most needs, small but clean rooms and helpful staff. It has a car park (free) and is a 5 minute walk from a bus terminus and 7 minutes from a subway. Western outskirts, near the Vatican and close enough to motorways.
Hotel Name Pinewood Hotel
Address Via della Pineta Sacchetti 43
Telephone Number +39 066 636 546

Don't mean to be too negative, I think that Rome is one of the best places on earth but realistic expectations are important. Enjoy your stay.


76,711 posts

282 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I had one of the best holidays ever in Rome. Just a 3 day break with me and my wife, flew in and the took the train to Rome itself and our hotel was within walking distance.

Beautiful weather, and totally magical for me as I had a classical education up to the age of 13, so knew a lot of Roman history. It was also just after Gladiator came out (coincidence, BTW) so seeing the Colosseum with the film fresh in our minds was a bonus.

Sorry I can't help on the actual question, but it was just nice to remember the holiday. smile


48,923 posts

258 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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As per SpudMurphy - you do realise Rome is a small compact (ancient) city don't you?

Why are you planning on driving in there? There are many areas suitable only for 2 seater cars!

Great place thumbup