last minute deals



Original Poster:

1,926 posts

217 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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i want to go with wife and 2 kids to a greek island for the summer,any date during beginning of august ...not fussed which island...what are the chances of a last minute deal?and will i be getting a much better price...or should i be booking now...many thanks...paul


48,923 posts

258 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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This is totally non-expert advice, but with the current strength of the Euro, I'd have thought that bargains could be had now - as well as last minute!


17,624 posts

209 months

Thursday 30th April 2009
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Inside the school holidays? hmmm won't be mega bargain tastic....


8,620 posts

200 months

Thursday 30th April 2009
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Turkey? Next drop along and their own currency that offers better VFM.


64 months

Thursday 30th April 2009
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There is much less capacity in the Market due to some operators like XL going bust and others merging and consolidating. You are also looking at a very busy period.

I'd say you will find it much harder finding good deals to decent places than in previous years.