I'm off to New York.......

I'm off to New York.......



Original Poster:

4,725 posts

203 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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towards the end of May.

Is there any real risk fom the swine virus? Would you still, go, or would you cancel?


15,927 posts

251 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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Just take sensible precautions and you should be fine. I'd certainly still be going thumbup


73,668 posts

265 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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As long as you use a condom, you should be OK with pigs...


Original Poster:

4,725 posts

203 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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350GT said:
As long as you use a condom, you should be OK with pigs...


3,570 posts

232 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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I wouldn't worry about it...


344 posts

193 months

Monday 4th May 2009
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350GT said:
As long as you use a condom, you should be OK with pigs...
If you do feel like your ocming down with it, ive got the direct number to the NHS swine flu helpline. I called them yesterday but all i got was crackling....


5,449 posts

275 months

Monday 4th May 2009
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Superhoop said:
towards the end of May.

Is there any real risk fom the swine virus? Would you still, go, or would you cancel?
You've probably got more risk staying at home than going to NYC

Edited by AngryApples on Monday 4th May 16:52


73,668 posts

265 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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For centuries folks have been saying that pigs would fly when they get a Black President.... 100 days into Obama's administration and swine flu...

(Stolen from an email banality)


7,721 posts

293 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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thisislife said:
350GT said:
As long as you use a condom, you should be OK with pigs...
If you do feel like your ocming down with it, ive got the direct number to the NHS swine flu helpline. I called them yesterday but all i got was crackling....
Do you think I shoudl call them? I've come out in Rashers...

Maybe i'll pop down to the chemist and get some oinkment.



4,693 posts

221 months

Wednesday 6th May 2009
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stop at home, NY is rubbish


8,620 posts

200 months

Thursday 7th May 2009
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Personally I wouldn't go to NY. Purely because of the exchange rate.
Regarding pig flu, my missus has just come back from NJ (flying from Newark) and is fine. We even shared a lift with some Mexicano looking family all wearing masks in arrivals at Heathrow on Monday and survived...

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

205 months

Thursday 7th May 2009
quotequote all
350GT said:
For centuries folks have been saying that pigs would fly when they get a Black President.... 100 days into Obama's administration and swine flu...

(Stolen from an email banality)
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