Devon or Cornwall in June

Devon or Cornwall in June


pano amo

Original Poster:

814 posts

246 months

Tuesday 21st April 2009
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Never been to either county! Will be myself, the wife, three yr old boy and three month old boy. Looking for ideas for a week. Any type of accomodation (except a tent!) considered and preferably near a beach. Any recommendations?


4,243 posts

193 months

Tuesday 21st April 2009
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Cornwall everytime we have been going for several years.Fantastic beaches beautiful scenery etc.We are going to Carbis Bay in St Ives this year

We have booked through these people on several occasions and found them excellent.


643 posts

197 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2009
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South East Cornwall is worth a look. Fab places around Fowey, Polperro, Looe etc...which is in easy reach of all the major attractions and only just over the Tamar bridge, so an hour + closer (assuming your travelling from the east!)


12,065 posts

214 months

Wednesday 22nd April 2009
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2,641 posts

219 months

Thursday 23rd April 2009
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Amazing place. Used in several films I believe. Only downside is that it is all the way down near the very end of the map!