Scooter hire France



Original Poster:

18,794 posts

208 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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Off to south of France in a month, 4 of us all over 20, 3 with full UK licences.

I've read we can legally ride a moped (50cc) without a licence, this true?

Anyone got any experience? Costs etc?


8,016 posts

232 months

Monday 20th April 2009
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On my French (car) licence I can drive a 125cc scooter.


25,024 posts

244 months

Monday 20th April 2009
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I think you'll find you can only ride a 50CC scooter if you have passed your car test before something like 1995 or 2000. I can being a old git but think they closed that loop

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