Best Holiday for roughly £1k per person

Best Holiday for roughly £1k per person



Original Poster:

574 posts

195 months

Tuesday 14th April 2009
quotequote all
Ideally would like something hot/beach sometime in the summer, I was thinking outside the Eurozone given how weak the pound is.

Any ideas?


48,923 posts

258 months

Tuesday 14th April 2009
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This summer means you have to stay in Northern hemisphere - for that money I'd head to SE Asia - Thailand if it's calmed down.

How about Cape Verde?


3,467 posts

200 months

Tuesday 14th April 2009
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Cuba? nice hotels, lovely beaches, sea like bathwater and can go fully inclusive at a decent hotel for <1k


Original Poster:

574 posts

195 months

Wednesday 15th April 2009
quotequote all
Nice ideas, lots of websites have great deals, is it worth using a travel agent nowadays or trying to book it all through the internet?? I have been looking at Vietnam I have heard some good things. Thailand seems a bit overdone with tourists/riots at the moment!


3,570 posts

232 months

Wednesday 15th April 2009
quotequote all
Vegas? Very warm, lots of pools and some great hotel rates due to the downturn.


3,910 posts

224 months

Wednesday 15th April 2009
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you could rent my house in barbados... pm me if interested
