Gulf of Morbihan - France

Gulf of Morbihan - France



Original Poster:

3,004 posts

41 months

Hi, was hoping any fellow phers may have some words of wisdom on the area as I am thinking of booking a week or so around there with the family (wife, 2 teenagers) this summer. Kind of wanting to know where the good beaches are, good towns for food, stuff to do etc. Any pointers much appreciated as its quite a big area and a complete unknown to me. Thank you.


105 posts

166 months

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Hello there
Its a lovely area, Carnac is very nice with world famous stones (similiar to avebury/stonehenge), Auray is one of the nicest towns i have ever been to.Quiberon is out in the sea, very surfy with world class beaches everywhere.


54,867 posts

264 months

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Agreed, Carnac is lovely with a tidal island as well as the stones, Trinite sur mer just round the corner is also spectacular. A fair bit further west Benodet is also great and the tidal lagoon is ace (think rapids pouring in and out twice a day).


3,085 posts

76 months

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Funnily enough we were in Carnac Sur Plage for five nights last year, loved it. We had a caravan on the Eurocamp place, short walk into town and plenty of sensibly priced bars and restaurants, lots of shops, lovely beach and promenade.

gareth h

3,831 posts

239 months

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We used to stay at Port du Crouesty when the kids were small nice little port, Vannes is worth a visit too.


Original Poster:

3,004 posts

41 months

Yesterday (08:44)
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Thanks for the contributions so far, great to hear!