I know JFK connections be be pretty short but...

I know JFK connections be be pretty short but...



Original Poster:

1,252 posts

249 months

I didn't realise they had a time machine in T8 now

I do understand that this is just their auto rebooking computer at work - but given the level of AI available nowadays, you would have thought a single step to check ticketed connections might be a basic upgrade!

Edited by cashmax on Sunday 26th January 18:59


4,973 posts

168 months

That brings back bad memories…a few years ago we were flying that route in reverse and had a 2.30 hr connection time, which we thought was more than enough. It was until we hit the four hour queue at immigration (after picking up and then dropping off our luggage), and had we stayed in it we would have missed the two last flights of the day to Miami. Luckily my wife (who would never normally jump a queue) managed to speak to a new member of staff who let us go right to the front. The whole experience was stressful, and I vowed in the future to always go direct!