


Original Poster:

3,601 posts

204 months

Friday 24th January
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Has anyone ever been?
Looks like some good cheap deals on.
Lots of history, so looks interesting.


718 posts

51 months

Friday 24th January
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About 45 years ago


99 posts

85 months

Friday 24th January
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I have been a couple of times but always as a day trip from Sofia.
The old centre is nice and definitely see the Roman ruins. The rest is still soviet style but pleasant.

It is quite cheap to eat/drink out so it should be okay for a weekend


1,992 posts

142 months

Friday 24th January
quotequote all
Ussrcossack said:
About 45 years ago
I was -5 years old then


48,907 posts

257 months

Friday 24th January
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Tried to fly there once, frozen fog meant we ended up in Burgas...

We did get to the airport on the way home. Wow... I can remember the dark wood veneer everywhere hehe


45,100 posts

159 months

Friday 24th January
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I liked it. It's the oldest city in Europe, dating back some 8000 years. The roman stuff is worth seeing, and walking up to the Alyosha monument is good fun. Lots of traditional Bulgarian food it low prices. Had a really nice long weekend there.


Original Poster:

3,601 posts

204 months

TwigtheWonderkid said:
I liked it. It's the oldest city in Europe, dating back some 8000 years. The roman stuff is worth seeing, and walking up to the Alyosha monument is good fun. Lots of traditional Bulgarian food it low prices. Had a really nice long weekend there.
Thats really positive, thanks,


303 posts

39 months

My son recently took a day trip there from Sofia, he said it was a really nice place to walk around, loads of photo opps with the architecture, it was built on 7 hills as Rome was, son said the italian look and feel of the old buildings is very evident. As others have stated it was a very cheap day out from the capital for him, as every city they have the corporate hospitality chains, he spent his money on eating and drinking in local run cafe's restaurants. He was only in Sofia for 4 days but the day spent visiting Plovdiv was a good break for a day.

stuart lee

19 posts

173 months

I've been several times, Plovdiv a beautiful place - it was voted European City of Culture 2019. The Rhodopian mountain range overlook Plovdiv and are stunning, if you're there for a few days its worth a trip to one of the Rhodopian spa resorts like Devin. Bulgarian food and wine are stunning.