Discount on Birmingham airport parking

Discount on Birmingham airport parking


Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

28,053 posts

231 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I am spending more on it than I do on my children. It’s convenient but expensive. Does anyone know of any wrinkles to get it cheaper? Discount for teachers doesn’t work.


729 posts

126 months

Thursday 23rd January
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Best way I've found is to 'Google' it tbh, lots of discount coupon sites about


5,361 posts

190 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I believe the car park at the station is reasonably priced as well. Alternatively, Holiday Extras sometimes come up with decent deals though they do send a lot of emails to you

Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

28,053 posts

231 months

Thursday 23rd January
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Martyn76 said:
Best way I've found is to 'Google' it tbh, lots of discount coupon sites about
Done that. I got about £5 off a £100 booking last week.

That was for 2 days.


1,205 posts

237 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I joined the official Gatwick airport website, and get 10% off their parking (you actively have to claim it by going into their offer section)
Is there an equivalent discount on the Birmingham airport website?

Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

28,053 posts

231 months

Thursday 23rd January
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chip* said:
I joined the official Gatwick airport website, and get 10% off their parking (you actively have to claim it by going into their offer section)
Is there an equivalent discount on the Birmingham airport website?
Don’t know! Will check thanks.


1,016 posts

187 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I always drop off and park at Birmingham International and jump on the monorail.


99 posts

85 months

Thursday 23rd January
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I think it is £9 per day to park at the railway station. From there you can walk or take the monorail