Europa Park Germany



Original Poster:

2,769 posts

166 months

Friday 17th January
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Anybody been and know if they offer fast track?

Nothing on the website other than a virtual queuing system which is typical for Germany, only they can make something like that work efficiently lol. The Only issue is, it says you can join a virtual queue for 1 ride at a time.

I'm not a rich man nor do I think I am too good for queuing but it's a holiday and don't want to travel that far and spend most of the day queing for hours

Thank you in advance


155 posts

37 months

Friday 17th January
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No, Europa Park are one of the few parks who don’t do fast passes.


1,576 posts

234 months

Saturday 18th January
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Went Early Dec 2024 for the Winter set up . 2 Days in the park , 1 day at Rulantica , Stayed in the Colosseo Hotel ,Wow !.. ( Moxy Rust , night before and end day )

The thing they do very well is get people through fast , Most big rides Voltron, Blue fire, Silver Star , Woden ,were only 10 mins or walk on !...could be longer full Summer Holiday season though , lots and lots to do so crowds are spread around the park,

I could not fault the place to be honest , It was amazing . Mate i was with took his wife to Euro Disney 2 weeks before and said Disney is not even close to Europa Park for the overall experience .

( 2 thrill seekers in our 50's)

  • The Park and Water park are run and owned by the Mack family ... MACK Rides .One of the Best coaster manufacturers in the world.
Edited by Silver3ides on Saturday 18th January 12:35

Edited by Silver3ides on Saturday 18th January 12:39


17,959 posts

174 months

Saturday 18th January
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We went in summer and I think the longest lines were 40minutes at most but many were a lot less than that. It’s easily a 2 day park plus a day at rulantica and the other great thing is the ride lines close at park closing time not before like Disney. Both days we joined a line at say 7pm and ended up leaving the park 45min after closing.