UK passport for NZ kids?


Tony Starks

Original Poster:

2,239 posts

221 months

Friday 17th January
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I cant seem to make head nor tail of what I need here.

I British, Wife is Kiwi and we live in NZ. I want to get my kids a British passport to make it easier if they want to travel when they're older.

But I cant work out if I just need to apply online for theirs or I needto apply for citizenship for them first.

Anyone done it who could shed some light


2,627 posts

182 months

Friday 17th January
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Pretty simple to work out from the website.

Your kids are probably British Citizens already, so should be pretty straightforward.


336 posts

138 months

Friday 17th January
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Where were they born & when. Were you married at the time?

The rules changed in 2006.
British fathers may have an issue passing on citizenship if they were not born in the UK

You need to read the link posted above.

Tony Starks

Original Poster:

2,239 posts

221 months

Friday 17th January
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Thanks, looks like i was on the right track then. Just need my boss to sign theyve known them which is easy