Airline altered 2nd leg unable to make connection.

Airline altered 2nd leg unable to make connection.



Original Poster:

5,803 posts

207 months

Thursday 16th January
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Hi, wondering if anyone can help me please.

I have done a Google search but nothing the same as my issue.

On 19th April I am flying from Japan to Seoul.

I was due to arrive at Seoul with 1hr 40 mins to spare for the connecting flight.

The flight from Seoul has now been brought forward two hours and therefore departs 20 mins before we land!

This has been booked as one flight from Japan to London and is with the same airline but booked through a third party.

The airline are basically saying we can take the forst leg a day earlier, or the second leg a day later. Not ideal but workable, but that they will not pay for a hotel in Seoul or offer any form of redress for this.

Do i have any options?

I have looked at other flights and all are about £1000 more than what we have booked.

Any help appreciated even if it is that we have to pay ourselves as we just want to know where we stand.

Thanks for reading.


18,496 posts

198 months

Thursday 16th January
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I think the UK regs (The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers' Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations) only cover UK flights in/out on UK airlines. After that I think you are at the mercy of the airline. If its an EU based airline then you will most likely have a much better shot at hotel etc as the EU regs are much better. But if its an Asian carrier it might be a lot, lot less.