International Driving License - Italy

International Driving License - Italy



Original Poster:

6,240 posts

115 months

Wednesday 15th January
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I’m planning to hire a car for a few weeks in Italy during April. A friend has mentioned that I may need to have an international driving licence/permit in order to hire a car, due to new rules kicking in from 1 April. Presumably this would be a consequence of Brexit. Anyone know if this is correct please?


13,770 posts

253 months

Wednesday 15th January
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You don't currently need one, and there is no mention of April 2025 here:


3,747 posts

198 months

Wednesday 15th January
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I'm curious on whether anyone has ever needed an international driving license. They are mentioned frequently but when you actually see what they are they seem entirely pointless and many places that say they require them actually never do. It almost looks like a scam. It's just a cardboard booklet with much of it filled out in pen by hand.

Edited by Matt.. on Wednesday 15th January 14:03


6,724 posts

39 months

Wednesday 15th January
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Matt.. said:
I'm curious on whether anyone has ever needed an international driving license. They are mentioned frequently but when you actually see what they are they seem entirely pointless and many places that say they require them actually never do. It almost looks like a scam. It's just a cardboard booklet with much of it filled out in pen by hand.
I got pulled over by fuzz in Montenegro once, about 15 years ago, and they asked to see my International Driving Permit. Their little faces were an absolute picture when I actually produced a valid one. They still fined me for speeding, though. I argued that I was within the limit for the road, they told me that the limit was lower for the direction I was going in, so cough up. So I coughed up. They weren't going to let me go without some kind of payment.