Koh Samui Hotels Please...

Koh Samui Hotels Please...



Original Poster:

935 posts

148 months

Monday 13th January
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Looking to go in August with the family.
Last time I was there was 1996 biggrin

I know it's overdeveloped with 5 star resorts these days... but i see that as a bonus haha!


79 posts

11 months

Monday 13th January
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We went the Sala Samui resort in 2014 and it was outstanding! Great food, fairly remote location, however it’s by the beach

A lot can change in 11 years though!!

Edited by Chrisd83 on Monday 13th January 18:32


1,349 posts

92 months

Monday 13th January
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A pool villa at SALA samui Cheongmon Beach Resort