Cairngorms in February



Original Poster:

4,246 posts

112 months

Monday 13th January
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Would love a trip up that way in late February but would need to hire a car for the journey.
Any suggestions ?
Are the roads passable ?
I’ve only been through the old Military road in summer.


3,873 posts

197 months

Monday 13th January
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The Cairngorms covers a massive area, any clues where you might want to go or want to see or do?

For example there is a great reindeer trek just outside Aviemore on the way to Cairngorm itself. Loch Mortlach is beautiful. The roads are stunning but can be dicey.

If the weather or road conditions are really bad they can close the snow gates but that is easy to monitor, other road conditions can be equally easily checked as Traffic Scotland has a lot of live traffic cams that you can look at.

The weather can be bitterly cold, it is true wilderness in places so if you are thinking about hiking and so on be properly prepared.

Edited by skeeterm5 on Monday 13th January 21:22


1,225 posts

174 months

Monday 13th January
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Downward said:
Would love a trip up that way in late February but would need to hire a car for the journey.
Any suggestions ?
Are the roads passable ?
I’ve only been through the old Military road in summer.
The last couple of years I’ve been out cycling (road, sometimes spring kit) in Feb for about 50% of the month. But there’s no guarantee of good weather. However where we are on the eastern edge (Aboyne / Ballater) we tend to have a lot of snow in January. Then Feb is often lighter, with another bigger dump in March.

As above, the main routes in all have snow gates - Google snow gates camera and there is a website with webcams showing latest conditions.

What do you fancy doing? Outdoor activities? Walking? Sight seeing? Driving? Skiing? Mtb? Wildlife watching? Any particular areas ? The cairngorms is huge area.


1,111 posts

163 months

Monday 13th January
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I didn't know they filmed Star Wars there.


6,461 posts

32 months

Monday 13th January
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CypSIdders said:
I didn't know they filmed Star Wars there.


1,229 posts

69 months

Monday 13th January
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Silvanus said:
CypSIdders said:
I didn't know they filmed Star Wars there.