Driving tour in Europe- July 2025

Driving tour in Europe- July 2025



Original Poster:

581 posts

177 months

Sunday 12th January
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I am looking at booking a driving tour with either my GT3 or Spyder RS in summer (July) for a week, with an organised group. Flexible on location but ideally Southern France or Spain/Portugal. Wondered if anyone had any recommendations for companies/people to reach out to on it- looking for "enthusiastic" driving, great roads, good cars to ogle at at, and perhaps 1 or 2 nights of nightlife.


614 posts

143 months

Monday 13th January
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Hi if you look on the Holidays & Travel page there are lots of places on there, we travel twice a year and stay in 8 to 10 different hotels each time and been doing it for 30 years all booked up for May. Try to visit here if you want a motoring experience.


22,581 posts

234 months

Monday 13th January
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V Events are pretty good - I am not sure what their 2025 calendar is yet.


I am off to Provence for 3 weeks in my 911 in July - but not with a group. Can't wait. smile


Original Poster:

581 posts

177 months

Tuesday 14th January
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NDA said:
V Events are pretty good - I am not sure what their 2025 calendar is yet.


I am off to Provence for 3 weeks in my 911 in July - but not with a group. Can't wait. smile
Enjoy- thank you- will keep an eye out on V Events- hadnt heard of it!


13,115 posts

219 months

Tuesday 14th January
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I often think about tours, but eventually, I shy away.

I guess my fear is that all the others are total flutes (I guess they might think that of me too).

I went on an Aston Martin Owners Club tour in Yorkshire. Ninety-five percent of people were wearing AM-branded clothing and seemed to have little to talk about other than their AM. As the weather was a bit sh!t, most of them sacked off the driving bit and went straight to the lunch destination.

Should I think again and go with a random group?


22,581 posts

234 months

Tuesday 14th January
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AstonZagato said:
Should I think again and go with a random group?
No. Your instincts are absolutely to be trusted.

Being holed up with a load of "I am considerably reecher than yow" people in red trousers would be days of your life never to be recovered.

Unless you know and enjoy the company of at least another couple, the risk is too great.



3,016 posts

169 months

Wednesday 15th January
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Jasper does good tours to Spain - some brand specific https://www.driveespana.com/services_group/drive-e...


614 posts

143 months

Friday 17th January
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This was a nice trip down through France then down the center of Spain return along the south coast then up to Andorra then home through France.

Edited by RONV on Friday 17th January 10:56


16,214 posts

243 months

Friday 17th January
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OP, go onto the Roads section of PH, you'll find all the info you need there.


614 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th January
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Here is another interesting place to visit part of our history.


614 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th January
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Another piece of our history and worth seeing and the museum thanks to the long bow.