Road trip to Krakow



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432 posts

101 months

Friday 10th January
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As my schedule will only allow for an early April road trip I have decided to head east to Krakow rather than risk adverse weather in any mountainous areas.

Route is:
Calais - nr Frankfurt - Dresden - Krakow - 2 x Czech stops - Nurburgring - Verdun - Calais

Specifically interested in places of interest to see between Frankfurt & Dresden and Dresden & Krakow without deviating from the fastest route too much. Any ideas?

Other than having plans for Krakow and a passenger lap in a GT3 RS booked for the Nurburgring I don’t have any other activities planned.

As a Bond fan, have decided to stay at which is where the exterior shots for ‘Hotel Splendid’ (where the poker game was played) were filmed for Casino Royale (2006).


737 posts

174 months

Thursday 16th January
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I've got a couple of clients who work at the VW offices in Milton Keynes who really recommend the factory tour at Dresden.

You can also buy longer, more one to one tours where you get to do various steps on the production line over a few hours.
It's not cheap, but I guess pretty unique.