Hotel en route from Dordogne to Calais Eurotunnel

Hotel en route from Dordogne to Calais Eurotunnel



Original Poster:

7,054 posts

265 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Following on from an excellent and helpful earlier post regarding Calais to Dordogne accommodation earlier, I thought it might be a good time to ask for recommendations for the return journey!

I have stayed at The Hermitage Hotel in Montreuil sur Mer before, but has anyone got suggestions in a similar area - eg about an hour - hour and a half or so south of Calais.

Looking for something circa £150 or so with food and a bar, just an overnighter.

Thanks chaps.


22,730 posts

235 months

Wednesday 8th January
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I always stay at the L'Ecrin in Honfleur. Secure parking and an easy stroll into town.

A very easy run to the tunnel from there.


27,744 posts

193 months

Thursday 9th January
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Sometimes you can get deals (Sunday nights) at the Chateau De Montreuil, eat in town though the restaurant is very pricy. Otherwise we stay in Le Coq.


8,448 posts

260 months

Thursday 9th January
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Hotel Auberge du Centre, Chitenay. Dinner in the garden while the jazz band sing Mr Sandman, magic, nice place.

Blois nearby worth a look round, as is the big Chateau at Chambord to take in the double helix staircase.


22,730 posts

235 months

Thursday 9th January
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Huzzah said:
Sometimes you can get deals (Sunday nights) at the Chateau De Montreuil, eat in town though the restaurant is very pricy. Otherwise we stay in Le Coq.
I have eaten there - it used to be (maybe still is) a Michelin starred restaurant.


3,519 posts

145 months

Thursday 9th January
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NDA said:
I always stay at the L'Ecrin in Honfleur. Secure parking and an easy stroll into town.

A very easy run to the tunnel from there.
It’s a great hotel in a great little place , you’ve just reminded me where to go this year for a couple of days !


Original Poster:

7,054 posts

265 months

Thursday 9th January
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Honfleur sounds nice, but its slightly off route for a 1 nighter from near Periguex to Le Shuttle with an ETA of around lunchtime.

Keep the ideas comiing though please!