Where was I? (Vol 7)



Original Poster:

23,070 posts

167 months

Saturday 4th January
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Continued from over here:-


- Must be your photo, not nicked off the net.
- The location must be in some way identifiable in the shot (think holiday forum rather than photography forum biggrin)
- Whoever gets it right gets to post one of theirs (or open it up if they want to).
- Wait until the current photo is guessed before adding one.
- When yours is identified, update your post with the answer.
- When guessing, please don't just chuck the photo into an image search tool. There's no fun in that.

king arthur

7,057 posts

270 months

Saturday 4th January
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Grand Union?


335 posts

138 months

Saturday 4th January
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I did think there'd be a new thread, so here are the two photos I've already posted.

And to summarise - we are in England, but not on any of the following canals.

  • Kennet and Avon
  • Basingstoke
  • Stroud water
  • Macclesfield
  • Fucanal ???
  • River Lea
  • Shropshire
  • Monty? Brecon
  • Leeds and Liverpool
  • Leicestershire (not a canal)
  • Grand Union
Has this very interesting lock


672 posts

15 months

Saturday 4th January
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Don't know anything about canals, but the buildings look like West Midlands. Close?


2,701 posts

24 months

Saturday 4th January
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Near Ellesmere musuem somewhere?


335 posts

138 months

Saturday 4th January
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Not West Midlands or Ellesmere.

Macclesfield has been the closed guess so far.

Exiled Imp

409 posts

227 months

Saturday 4th January
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On the Cheshire Ring?


11,601 posts

218 months

Saturday 4th January
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Somerset levels?


335 posts

138 months

Saturday 4th January
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Neither the Somerset levels or the Cheshire Ring.

Here are a few more details about the canal.

The principal engineer was James Brindley and has the oldest set of staircase locks in the country. The canal does not connect to another one and there are are only two hire boats on the whole canal. The canal no longer reaches the town that it is named after as a tunnel collapsed in the early 1900s.


672 posts

15 months

Saturday 4th January
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Stoke-on-Trent area?

Riley Blue

21,865 posts

235 months

Saturday 4th January
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I know James Brindley designed the Chesterfield Canal. I can almost spit into it from my front door but I've never seen it looking quite as pretty as that.


335 posts

138 months

Saturday 4th January
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You have it with the Chesterfield Canal. We went on it in May 2021 - first holiday since Christmas 2019. Was a fantastic week away with superb weather.

The whole canal is really peaceful - with only 2 hire boats and the only access from the River Trent it is not the most used canal. The lock is in the middle of Worksop - not a place to moor overnight, but this was the only location that we were told to avoid stopping at.

The flight of 20 locks in 1 mile was exquisitely beautiful, along with the stretches between weeping willows - but most of the canal is very shallow and weedy - as can be seen below. There is the Cuckoo Way which follows the tow path the whole length of the canal.

Over to you Riley Blue

Riley Blue

21,865 posts

235 months

Saturday 4th January
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It doesn't look as picturesque nearer Chesterfield!

I've nothing to available so someone have a go please.


2,694 posts

212 months

Saturday 4th January
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Here is a super easy one to get me registered on the new thread


17,528 posts

114 months

Saturday 4th January
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Only easy if you know where it is !!

Exiled Imp

409 posts

227 months

Saturday 4th January
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Our lady in Paris?


2,694 posts

212 months

Saturday 4th January
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Exiled Imp said:
Our lady in Paris?
That’s the one. She scrubs up nicely
Notre Dame de Paris

Exiled Imp

409 posts

227 months

Saturday 4th January
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9,612 posts

115 months

Saturday 4th January
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Exiled Imp

409 posts

227 months

Saturday 4th January
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abzmike said:
Too easy smile over to you