EasyJet Query



Original Poster:

2,615 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd January
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Evening all,

Does anyone have any experience with a situation where the person who booked the tickets is no longer able to go? If they don't check-in or turn-up does it null the tickets for the others. The person will be on the return flight though as they now have to go out on the morning flight rather than evening.



2,790 posts

218 months

Friday 3rd January
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If one of the party isn’t there to fly it won’t be an issue so long as you all have your boarding passes.

It’s more likely to be a problem for your friend picking up the return flight. If you don’t take the outbound flight, many airlines cancel the return. I’ve no experience with easyJet to say for sure either way.


Original Poster:

2,615 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd January
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Chucklehead said:
It’s more likely to be a problem for your friend picking up the return flight. If you don’t take the outbound flight, many airlines cancel the return. I’ve no experience with easyJet to say for sure either way.
Thanks. Yeah that's my worry. Will need to speak to EasyJet I think.


13,123 posts

177 months

Friday 3rd January
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Yes they will cancel the return leg if you don't take the outbound. You need to cancel the outbound.